As the sun rises over Kota thousands of young minds awaken to the constant quest of academic success. Drawing students from all across the nation, Kota has long been regarded as the coaching capital of India.

Students aspire to crack some of the toughest entrance exams (like JEE, NEET, AIIMS UPSC) and secure a coveted seat in the most esteemed and prestigious institutions.

But under the surface of achievement, there lurks a harsh reality: a vicious cycle of stress, anxiety, and hopelessness that has taken the lives of numerous young and bright kids.

The path to Kota starts with a dream, one that has been cultivated over years of struggle, sacrifice, and the unwavering quest of excellence imposed by an inadequate educational system.

There is tremendous pressure on students to perform well on exams such as the IIT-JEE, NEET, and AIIMS, which leads them to seek advice from coaching centers that guarantee success at all costs.

Every year, more than 2.5 lakh students relocate to Kota in order to get ready for competitive examinations and join these famous institutions. These institutions, which frequently function as money-making machines, take advantage of impressionable futures and the gullibility of young people by charging exorbitant fees.

Students in the coaching hub frequently struggle with a variety of issues, including hectic schedules, fierce competition, constant pressure to perform better, the weight of their parents’ expectations, and homesickness.

The National Crime Records Bureau Reports that 13,089 students committed suicide in 2021—a startling rise of 70% in just ten years. There were 7,696 student victims in 2011, 1,673 cases in 2021 and 27 cases in 2023, the cause of suicide was reported as failure in the examination.

Students are caught in a never-ending cycle of studying, sleeping, and studying some more after they get in Kota. Days turn into nights as they struggle to live up to the expectation of performing. The intense rivalry among students pushes them to the edge of their physical and mental capabilities by fostering a culture of comparison and fear of failing.

There are severe repercussions from this atmosphere of pressure cooker education, with many students suffering from anxiety, depression, despair, and burnout eventually taking their own lives.

Each year Kota witnesses suicides of innocent kids serving as a sobering reminder of the system’s inability to safeguard its most defenseless citizens. These pupils are more than simply numbers; they are intelligent, capable young people whose potential has been stifled by an educational system that prioritizes achievement over welfare.

Let us try to dig deep into this problem and understand the real cause behind it –

The Indian Education System

The tragic suicides that have occurred in Kota, Rajasthan, draw attention to a serious weakness in the Indian educational system. Students are being pushed to the brink by the system’s excessive focus on rote memorization and test scores at the expense of all-encompassing education and personal growth.

Children as young as 10 or 11 years old are forced into demanding coaching sessions, depriving them of their childhood and trapping them in an unending cycle of stress and study. This fixation with academic accomplishment starts at a young age.

There is a lot of pressure to perform well on difficult entrance tests for elite universities like the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs).

Childrens are misled into thinking that their exam scores would determine everything about them in the future, which can cause worry, despair, and in the worst cases, suicide. The startlingly high rates of student suicide in Kota, India’s coaching capital, serve as a sobering reminder of the human cost of this defective educational system.

The educational system, which puts test scores ahead of students’ well-being, is solely to blame for these catastrophes. The educational system stifles pupils’ originality and individuality by pressuring them down a restricted route of academic performance rather than developing young minds and fostering personal growth. It is past time for India to make a significant change in our approach to education.

We must abandon an educational system that prioritizes test results over all other considerations and adopt a more all-encompassing strategy that fosters each student’s unique abilities and passions. Then and only then will we be able to build an educational system that really enables kids to succeed on both an intellectual and personal level.

Intense Parental Pressure

Parental pressure in the Indian education system, particularly in Indian Institutes like IITs and AIIMS, is causing children to suffer from anxiety, depression, and suicide. The relentless pursuit of academic excellence, driven by parents’ expectations, often overshadows holistic development.

The high suicide rates in Kota, the coaching capital of India, highlight the devastating consequences of unchecked parental pressure. It is crucial for parents to understand the impact of their expectations on their children’s mental health and prioritize holistic development and well-being.

By reassessing their approach to their children’s education, they can create an education system that nurtures and empowers students to thrive academically and personally.

Starting Young

The tragic suicides in Kota, Rajasthan, highlight the detrimental effects of starting academic pursuits at a young age.

The relentless pressure to excel in competitive exams for prestigious colleges, such as IITs and AIIMS, can lead to mental health issues such as depression, stress, anxiety, and suicide.

This early start creates a high-stress environment, robbed of childhood and developmental milestones. It is crucial for parents and educators to prioritize children’s overall development and create an environment that nurtures their natural curiosity and creativity, rather than stifling it with undue pressure and expectations.

Culture Shock and Isolation

    Kota, Rajasthan, is a hub for students pursuing academic excellence, but the culture shock and isolation experienced by these students can be devastating. The city’s reputation as the coaching capital of India attracts thousands of students, some as young as 10 or 11 years old.

    The culture shock and isolation, coupled with the pressure to excel in competitive exams, can lead to feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression, ultimately leading to thoughts of suicide. Addressing these challenges is crucial for a healthier and happier learning environment.

    Lack of Screening Process

      The lack of a proper screening process in Kota, Rajasthan, has led to overcrowding in coaching institutes. Students from diverse backgrounds and academic levels are admitted without proper assessment, exposing them to mental health issues.

      Fake influencing and the Financial Pressure

      This overcrowding intensifies competition for limited resources and attention, further exacerbating the stress and isolation experienced by students. To address this issue, coaching institutes and educational authorities should implement a comprehensive screening process, including assessments of academic preparedness, mental health status, and personal readiness. This will ensure students are better equipped to handle academic competition and thrive academically and emotionally, preventing tragedies like suicides.

        Kota’s coaching institutes, known for their lucrative careers and high salaries, attract students and parents seeking top-notch education. However, the financial pressures and competition in the industry can lead to unethical practices and a culture of cutthroat competition.

        The exorbitant fees charged by these institutes put immense financial pressure on parents, who fear missing out on lucrative career opportunities. This high-pressure environment can negatively impact students’ mental health and well-being. Addressing these financial pressures and promoting a more balanced approach to education is crucial for safeguarding students’ interests and overall well-being.

        The stealing of top performers

        Kota is witnessing a disturbing trend in the Indian education system: the poaching of academic toppers.

        The poaching of toppers creates a hyper-competitive environment, leading to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and depression among students. This cutthroat competition undermines the integrity of the education system and takes a toll on students’ mental health.

        To create a more equitable and compassionate education system, coaching institutes and educators must prioritize ethical practices and student well-being over academic achievement.

        Lack of Mental Health

          Kota’s coaching hub faces a lack of adequate mental health support for students, exacerbated by the rigorous study schedule and academic pressure. Students struggle with stress, anxiety, depression, and feelings of inadequacy due to high expectations and stigma. The competitive environment creates isolation, exacerbating mental health problems.

          The coaching institutes often prioritize academic performance over mental well-being, leading to burnout and other serious mental health issues. Addressing this issue requires implementing counseling services, providing training for teachers, and creating a supportive environment.

          Academic Pressure Overload

          Kota’s coaching institutes are known for their rigorous study schedules and academic pressure, causing students burnout and mental exhaustion. The pressure to perform well in competitive exams can be overwhelming, leading to stress and anxiety.

          The focus on rote learning can hinder critical thinking and creativity, further exacerbating the issue. To ensure students’ mental health, a balance between academic rigor and personal development is crucial, including adequate breaks, healthy work-life balance, and encouraging holistic development.

          Social and Cultural Challenges

            Cultural challenges in Kota, particularly for students from different backgrounds, can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. The lack of a support system, cultural differences, and competitive environment can exacerbate these feelings. The absence of familiar faces and pressure to succeed academically can further exacerbate feelings of loneliness.

            The competitive environment can create insecurity, making it difficult for students to form meaningful relationships. Addressing these challenges is crucial for students’ well-being, promoting cultural diversity, and offering mental health support.

            We need to make a drastic shift in the way we approach education. Our students’ welfare must come before test results, and we must promote a learning environment that values inquisitiveness, creativity, and resilience.

            In order to guarantee that all students, regardless of background, have access to high-quality education, the government must implement significant changes and hold the coaching institutes responsible for their predatory activities.

            Until then, India’s greatest brains will continue to perish in this circle of pressure, stress, and despair, depriving the nation of its most valuable asset: its youth. It is our responsibility to end this cycle and create a future in which every student has the chance to prosper rather than merely get by.